
Tabulator can be downloaded from

Change log

Version Date Changes
2015-01-01 First visibility
2015-05-04 Basically complete
2015-09-06 Bugfix for XQuery where clause
2015-09-13 Cope with database vendor variability with JDBC column names
Minor usability improvments
2015-11-24 Column sorting.
2015-12-05 Deal with MarkLogic cts:element-value-query producing false positives, due to tokenization etc..
2015-12-28 JSON support.
2016-03-25 Anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options: DENY header added
Better cipher suite selection when accessing MarkLogic
Minor usability tweaks
2016-05-08 Minor tweaks
2017-02-02 Addition of termQuery
2017-07-16 URL based sources now use an InputStreamFactory
Significantly enhanced SourceJSON, using JSONPath subset
New REST API variants of QPid types, using the above
Additional XXE and XEE protection
1.0 2021-12-31 Mavenized. Use Java 8.
1.1 2023-08-05 Use Java 11.
2.0 2024-02-17 Use later Servlet Engine.
Switch to Jakarta Servlet API.

Copying of this program is encouraged, as it is fully public domain. The source code is included in the package. Caveat Emptor.

The author of Tabulator and this documentation is Andy Key. (email

{{{ Andy